
  • Plants diverged from animals around 1.5 billion years ago.

  • How many genes does a plant have? : 20-25 thousand. 60% of genes are common among plants and animals.

  • How to transform a plant?

    1. Stable transformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Infected plants produce tumors at the infrction site.

      • Transfer-DNA (T-DNA): Genes for biosynthesis of auxin and cytokinins.
      • Dip the flower in the solution containing the agrobacteria and now 1% of the seeds will be transgenic.
    2. Stable/transient transformation with the particle gun

      • Plasmid DNA bound to small gold particles (dia 1um) are shot to the plant tissue.
      • 3-4 gold nano-particles per cell is the flux. 24 hours later, you can see the transcription of the required protein.
  • How to understand a trait? (Identify genes involved in the trait)

    1. Forward genetics:

      • Screen for mutants showing altered trait behaviour.
      • Isolate gene that is defective in the mutant.
      • Study gene function.
      graph LR subgraph 2.Insertion-Mutagenesis B1(T-DNA from Agrobacterium, transposon) --> B2(Identify mutated gene by PCR of flaking DNA) end subgraph 1.Chemical-mutagenesis A1(Cause point mutations using EMS) --> A2(Identify mutated gene through genome sequencing/positional cloning) end
    2. Candidate gene approach: Reverse genetics

      • CRISPR/CAS
      • RNA interference
      • identify a T-DNA insertion mutant from available T-DNA insertion lines
    3. Use natutally occuring genetic variation within species.

      • Using QTL (qunatitatice trait locus) - mapping
  • Plants survive harsh environments

    • Large environmental variations:
      1. Light conditions: shading-extreme light
      2. Temperature changes (-10° to 45°C)
      3. Water status: Drought-floods
      4. Mineral nutrients: deficiency-toxicity
  • Plants do respond to high ambient temperature to optimize photosynthesis, growth and development: Thermomorphogenesis.

  • Note: Hypocotyl is the stem. Specifically it is everything that grows below the germinating seed. Stuff above it is called endocotyl.

    • Steeper leaf angle is called hyponasty and is a phenotype that is amplified by rising temperature.
  • Thermomorphogenesis - benefits:

    • more distance of leaves from soil: less exposure to heat reflection from soil.
    • more open rosette: better cooling due to better air circulation.
    • Cooler leaves: mean higher photosyntheti efficiency.
  • Blue and red light photoreceptors that plants use to grow.

  • Red light activates Phytochrome B (PHYB). PHYB is a temperature sensitive light sensor. The higher the temperature, the less active PHYB. High temperature-phenotype (29°C ) gives a low light-phenotype.

Introduction to plant responses to abiotic stress

Paula Duque
  • In plants, the development is post-embryonic. All the development in plants happen after the embroyonic stage. This is crutial for stress development.

    • For the same reason, the plant development is very plastic.
    • Developmental transitions: Light, Daylength, Temperature, $H_2O$, and Nutrients
  • Plant transitions from heterotrophy (can’t produce its own food — seedling) to autotrophy.

  • Seeds don’t germinate instantly to wait for seed dispersion. Enzymes that assert dormancy in seeds need to degrade for their germination.

  • Number of organs — Low Nitrogen conditions would trigger more roots, whereas, the opposite will trigger inverstment in the shoot of the plant.

  • Plant cells have very large vacuoles that are full of water.

    • Major driver of cell size
    • Turgor Pressure: everything that is not “woody” is supported by Turgor pressure.
  • Abiotic stress: stress agents that are non-living in nature.

  • Drought stress: cells increase salt concentration to hold water in the cells.

  • The epidermis needs to have chloroplastics in order to have stomata. Stomata exists in all plant tissues.

  • Correct Bottom part of the leaf — Daxil & top part — Basil

  • Drought Response:

graph LR D(Drought) --> leaf-abscission D --> reduction-of-leaf-area D --> accumulation-of-osmoprotectants D --> increased-leaf-wax-deposition D --> enahnced-root-growth
  • Stomatal movements control water loss. And is mediated by the plant hormone ABA (Abscisic acid). Increase in ABA — closes stoma. It also controls dormency in seeds.

  • Ethylene matures fruits. It is a gas and it spreads. It is also a stress hormone.

  • Plants respond to cold stress by indiucing the formation of unsaturated fatty acids.

  • Oxygen degradation (anerobic stress-induced proteins):

    • glycolysis and fermentation
    • ROS scavenging and signalling
    • ethylene biosynthesis

Plant membrane transporters and their role in stress response

Maria ...
  • Siderophores chealte Iron and make them available for plants.

  • Transport across cell membrane:

    • Active Transport
      • Primary Active Transport
        • Hydrolyse ATP to produce movement
      • Secondary Active Transport
        • Use another substrate for transport
    • Some famous (in)famous transporters
      • CFTR (Cystic fibrosis)
      • GLUT1 (G1D)
      • Multidrug (antibiotic) resistance: the bacteria pumps out the drugs
  • Number of ion channel in plants is about half of in humans (mammals).

  • ABA is a master regulator of for Growth.

  • NaCl in soil. Ionic and osmotic stress together

    • $Na^+$ and $K^+$ imbalance
    • Osmotic stress
    • Increased ROS production
    • Impaired photosynthesis
  • Iron deficiency: pH is a major problem that causes Iron deficiency. Plants respond by acidifying the soil around them.

Introduction to Photosynthesis/C4 and CAM Photosynthesis

Andreas Weber
  • Removal of carbon requires energy equivalent to 15yrs of 2019 total energy consumption.

  • Challenges to plant science: Increase net primary productivity per unit land.

  • PlantACT! : aim is to fix the planet.

  • Calvin-Benson Cycle: has three stages and results in photosynthesis.

  • RubisCO is the most abundant protein on earth. And is important for photo-synthesis.

Assignment Discussions

1. Which genes are involved in signal transduction and response? How to find them? [Monday]

  • GWAS: Genome Wide Association Study and it can be used to quantify the abundance and location of genes in comparison to using QTL (qunatitative trait locus) , which just gives you the expression of the gene (its position on the genome).
  • We use EWS, a chemical mutagen to indiuce the mutations.
  • Mapping by Sequencing:
  • We sequence the mutated and look for particular mutated sites using GWASP.
  • Allelic vs non-allelic mutations: If the mutations are allelic, the first generation cross reverts to the wild type. If not, the first generation shows mutant phenotypes.
  • Rescue experiments in plants: Cross wild-type with overly expressed mutagenic specie.