
  • Should falsify an explatory model, not a null model.

Bayesian Statistics

  • It is a framework to build statistical models.

  • It extends proportional logic (true/flase) to continuous plausability.

  • More complex to obtain analytical results: but easy to compute computationally (MCMC technique).

  • Models with more ways to realize the data are more plausable.

  • What is a Random-walk Metropolis ?

Outliers: Robust linear regression

  • Instead of discarding outliers, we can do Rank-tests (Mann-Whitney test)
  • For outliers: Use distributions with fatter tails. The outliers are then penalised less, and a better linear regression model is achieved which includes outliers.
  • Robust linear regression is just a linear regression, but with Student T-distribution.

Pooling of Data

  • Complete pooling: ignore group structure and estimate global effects.
  • Unpooled data: estimate effect in each group seperately.
    • This has low quality of estimates in smaller groups.
  • Partial pooling: assume each group can be different, but they are all part of some larger group. There could be deviations from the large group but not arbitrary.

Poisson Regression Coefficients

  • Link function for probabilities: log-odds to map probabilities to a linear


  • \infty < log \frac {p}{1-p} < \infty $$
  • Inverse of log-odds or the intercept:

$$ \frac {1}{1 + e^{\beta_0}} $$

Zero-inflated models

$$ ZIP(k, \lambda, p_0) = \begin{array} { & \begin{array} \ p_{0} + (1-p_0)Poi(0, \lambda) & k=0 \ (1-p_0)Poi(k, \lambda) & k > 0 \end{array} \end{array} $$

We now have 2 generalised linear models:

  • One for the probability of zeros (binomial)
  • One for the number of eggs (Poisson)

In R:

obs = pm.ZeroInflatedPoisson("eggs", psi=1-p0, theta=mu, observed=data)

Survival Analysis

  • Track subject and “death” events.
  • Right censoring: the event has not occured at the end of the study.
  • Left censoring: TODO
  • Traditionally used to study lifespan, but can be used to study other things as well:
  • Survival Function:

$$ S(t) = P(T > t) $$

How to included censoring in your model? | Kaplan-Meier

  • Includes Right-censoring events.

$$ \hat S = \sum_{t_i < t} \frac {n_i - d_i}{n_i} $$

$n_i$ : number of at-risk individuals at time.

$d_i$ : number of deaths until time $t_i$.

Standard Error formula: $$ SE(S(t)) = S(t) \sqrt{\sum \frac {d_i}{n_i(n_i - d_i)}} $$