Principles of Protein Structures

by Casper Goverde
  • Group research: Design of protein molecules for novel functional and behavioural activities. Also study proteins using variety of techniques like ML and computational design.

Moplecular Interactions in Biomolecules

  • Non-covalent interactions modelled via Lennard-Jones, consists of van der Waals interactions, hydrogen bonds.
  • Two neutral atoms in close proximity get polarised !
  • Van der waals radius is r1 + r2 and is the point where the repulsive interactions become dominent.
  • Hydrogen bonds can be thought of as a dipole-dipole interaction but on a molecular scale.
  • Iconic interactions are the strongest, however, water ions severly reduce electrostatic interaction.
  • In vacuum its ~50 kJ/mol, whereas in water its ~6 kJ/mol.

Moleculaes of Life

  1. Nucleic Acids
  2. Proteins : Made of Peptides
  3. Lipids : Fats
  4. Glycans: Sugars
flowchart LR Genetic-Material --> Primary-Structure --> Secondary-Structure --> Function((Function)) --> Tertiary-Structure --> Quartarnary-Structure
  • Proteins have an amino group, a carboxyl group, and 20 different kinds of R groups.

  • They are built out of 20 amino acids encoded in DNA.

  • The amino acids can be classified based on the type of Carboxyl group.

    • Polar and non-polar amino acids. Polar amino acids can form hydrogen bonds with itself and other amino acids. They are also hydrophobic.
    • Negatively and positively charged amino acids. Their sidechains are charged at pH=7.
  • Synthesis of protein: condensation reaction where amino acid of one …TODO

  • The sequence of a protein is written from the N-terminus (one of the free $NH_3$) to the C-terminius (the one with $COO^-$).

  • backbobne + sidechain + actual witten structure + carboxyl extension.

  • Hydrophobicity of amino acids is an important feature.

  • Residue: the central kernal of the proteins. Find out why a Residue is called a residue. TODO

  • Some amino acids are special:

    • Cysteine can form disulphide bridges.

      flowchart LR Cysteine -."+".- Cysteine2(Cysteine) --Oxidation--> Cystine Cystine --Reduction--> Cysteine2
    • Glycine doesn’t have a sidechain group.

    • Proline’s sidechain group is covalently bound to the nitrogen of the peptide bond.

Protein Secondary Structures

  • $\alpha$-helix form to stabilize the hydrophobic core. It forms by making H-bonds between Hydrogen and oxygen.

  • $\beta$-sheets form hydrogen bonds with its whole backbone.

  • Usually the alpha and beta sheets are sometimes misaligned and imperfect.

  • Alpha-helix

    • In the alpha-helix, the carbonyl oxygen of residue “i” forms a hydrogen bond with the amide of the residue “i+4”.
    • There are only right handed alpha-helixes, except for a handful of exceptions.
  • Beta-sheets

    • Can be wither parallel and antiparallel. They have roughly the same binding energy.
    • In a beta-sheet, carbonyl oxygen and amides form hydrogen bonds between the strands, i.e between amino acids far away from each other in primary sequence.
  • Proteins can be composed of one of the two secondary structures or be mixed.

Beyond Secondary Structures

  • The tertiary structure, which is the three-dimensional organisation of the secondary structure elements. It is also referred to as the protein fold.
  • Quaternary structures refers to the association of different polypeptide chains (subunits) into a multinumeric complex.
  • Protein domains are fundamental units of tertiary structue. it forms an independnt structural domin. They are often units of function.
  • Domains have the same fold yet different amino acid sequences.
  • Protein domains are very stable to mutations. ANd they have been selected via evolution for the very specific reason.
  • The stability of the folded structure results primarily from the hydrophobic regions folding in together.
  • Two proteins with different sequences can have the same sequence.

Conformations and Folding

  • Protein conformational changes does not require breaking bonds.
  • The peptide bond has partial double bond character and therefore are sterically hindered.
  • Protein folding induces conformational changes in the backbone. The backbone torsion angles $\phi$ and $\psi$ determine that conformation of the protein chain.
  • The Ramachandran diagram define the restrictions on backbone conformation.
  • $\psi$ : TODO
  • $\phi$ : TODO
  • L: Left handed helix
  • You see a lot of Glycines in loops as they are flexible because of the absence of any side chains.
  • Prolines are in Cis conformation so they ususally “kink” the alpha-helix. Not generally found anywhere else.
  • Secondary structural elements are conected to form simple motifs. Given motifs, you can create many folds.
  • The interactions between the atoms in a protein control the folding of the protein into a well defined structure (native structure): Thermodynamic hyposthesis of protein folding. It was demonstrated by the famous Anfinsen Experiment which opened the folded structure of a protein and allowed it to relax in a controlled manner to recover the folded structure,
  • This information is encoded in their amino acid sequence.

Evolution and Protein Structure

by Casper Goverde
  • Reading Suggestion: The Molecules of Life (Chapter 5)

  • Protein structures are conserved during evolution while amino acids vary.

  • Motifs that are crutial for protein folding are conserved during evolution.

  • You can use protein globins to classify species at the molecular level.

  • Due to different selection pressures amd line seperation, protein sequences diverge between species.

How to quantify differences in sequences?

  • Use a substitution matrix (BLOSUM). We use a matrix of probailities. Each entry in the matrix is called a substitution score ($S_{ij}$). The higher the score (positive), the more likely is the substition.

  • The BLOSUM substitution score is the logarithm of the likelihood that one aa in a protein is replaced by another during evolution.

  • $S_{ij}$ is related to the frequency of substititon over random chance.

  • BLAST (Basic Local Alignmnet Search Tool) : Identify novel proteins, find functional relationships and sequence motifs and patterns.

  • TOP-7 is the first synthetic motif.

  • The most used measure is the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD).

  • Domains are “self contained units” that can be placed in different proteins.

PyMol Excercises

  • Superimposition is done by fitting the polypeptide backbone of your target protein on the reference protein. Best fit will have smallest Rms (root mean square) value.

  • What is PSIPRED?

  • Protein crystals have a high solvent content, which you can also observe as large spaces between the proteins in the Electron density maps.

Day 2

X-ray Crystallography

  • The further out spots the higher the resolution of the protein structure.

  • The dark ring ~3Ă… is caused by water molecules un the crystal.

  • flowchart LR crystals --"x-rays"--> diffraction-pattern --> electron-density-maps-->atomic-structure atomic-structure --refinement-->diffraction-pattern
  • Methods to check crystallization conditions for proteins: Hanging Drop- and Sitting Drop- Vapour Diffusion.

  • Typical concentration for X-ray diffraction: TODO

  • High B-factor: low confidence in position of atom, which also corresponds to low electron densities.

  • In 2020 the number of structures in PDB reached 171,916.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

  • Resonance Frequency in NMR: $$ R_f = \frac{2 \mu_BB_o}{h} $$

  • Resonance frequency depends on nature of the nucleus and its chemical environment.

  • Resonance frequency is directly proportional to the strength of the external applied magnetic field.

  • We commonly use $H^1$ and $C^{13}$ for labelling as they are NMR active.

  • Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE): Provides information on spatial proximity of protons in protein. Protons that are close by influence each others chemical shifts.

  • Crystallography si also applicable to very big proteins and complexes.

  • NMR: Dynamic ensemble of several energy-minimized structures, whereas, X-ray crystallography gives a static picture of protein.

  • NMR has a size limit: >25kDa is very difficult.


  • Cryo-EM prevents electron degradation of proteins.

  • Abbe’s Relationship: $d_R = 1.22 \lambda /NA$. Working out this formula gives us a $d_R$ to be 1.4Ă….

    flowchart LR biochemical-preperation --> cryo-em-sample-preparation --> Imaging --> data-collection(data-collection) dc(data-collection)-->image-processing-->reconstruction--> structural-analysis--> Model
  • Generally Liquid Ethane is used.

  • 3D images are reconstructed from 2D segment images from all angles.

  • Cryo-EM can do very big protein structures.

Bioinformatics and protein structure

  • Uniprot : Entries are manually annotated. This is the first stop to check an unknown protein. It contains references to other databases as well.
  • There are multiple .pdb files for a single protein corresponsiong to all the different experiments done with the protein. They might have different resolutions, and precision.
  • PhosphoSite Plus : provides comprehensive information and tools for the study of protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) including phosphorylation, acetylation, and more.
  • STRING: All about protein interations. It contains protein-protein interaction data.
  • PDB: The Protein Data Bank.
  • Drugbank: Database of drugs.
  • ChEMBL: Drug database where searches can also be compound-centric using different formats.


flowchart LR Sequence --> Structure --> Function

Each step involves shrinking of the total phase space of that particular function.

  • Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP) - competition held for prediction of Protein Structure. The FOM is GDT (Global Distance Test).
  • AlphaFold 1 was the first to combine Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) and Deep Neural Networks.
  • MSA finds similar sequence across different species, aligns, and then find “suitable mutations” or the set of all possible mutations (coevolution).
    • If something mutates to a more positive base, the other base can mutate to something more negative, but not positive.
    • We calculate distance matrix -> Correlation matrix.
  • A neural network can approximate any function, given that your neural network has arbitrary width and we have an infinite dataset.
  • AlphaFold also uses a Convolutional neural networks to recognise patterns.
  • Output is the distance matrix, and the distance matrix of the two dihedral angles $\phi$ and $\psi$.
  • The Input for AlphaFold-2 is the MSA.


graph LR 1(Sequence and MSA features)-->2(Deep Neural Networks)-->3(Distance and Torosional distribution predictions)


Alphafold PipeLine (credits Casper)

  • Bad templates are inserted so AF won’t copy template features.

  • AMBER relaxation optimizes the final structure.

  • “Self-distillation training” - Using your own predictions as a dataset.

  • Human vs Other Species -> Prediction Score Comparision

  • Is all AlphaFold code open source? : Everything is opensource.

  • Autocompletion is based on the Attention Matrix, whcih comes from a language model.

  • AF also does a bunch of other things: protein-protein interactions, docking, predicting binding sites, etc.

  • ColabFold is a better version of AlphaFold 2. It is a lot faster with improved MSA step. It also allows for complex predictions.

  • AlphaFold 2 practice notebook

Day 3


  • Spontaneous process at constant temperature and pressure always involves decrease in the Gibbs Free energy of the system ($dG < 0$).

  • It accounts for both enthalpic and entropic contributions of the system. $$ dG = dH - TdS $$

  • Equilibrium Constants:

$$ \Delta G^0 = -RTlnK_{eq} \rightarrow K_{eq} = e^{- \frac {\Delta G^0}{RT}} $$

  • Homo Sapiens: ~15, 000 proteins expresses. 135,000 pp-interactions.
  • Specificity is the ratio of binding affinities. They are theoreticlly not related. Innature, Higher affinity implies lower specificity.
  • Binding sites usually have a hydrophobic core and then on the rim, you have bases that have specificity.
  • Whwn fraction $f$ is half in a reaction, out dissociation constant $K_D$ equals the ligand concentration $L$.
  • Univeral binding isotherm is expressed in terms of $K_D$.

Drug Binding by Proteins

  1. Find a Lead compound. That bind to the receptor. They are usually not very specific and affinative.
  2. Iterate the lead compound to imrove specificity and affinity.
  • Competative inhibitors: $IC_{50}$ is the concentration of the inhibitor that reduces the binding of the protein by half maximal value.
  • $IC_{50}s$ are used rather than a single value because the activity of the drug may vary between the population just because of random mutations.
  • Energetics of the Binding: There is entropic loss but enthalpic gain. $\Delta G = \Delta H - T \Delta S$
  • The affinity for a protein for a ligand is characterized by the dissociation constant, $K_D$.
  • The strength of binding interactions is often correlated with hydrophobicity.
  • MASIF: Surface-Based Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction
    • All informtion required for predicting binding is present on the surface.

Exploring the potential of deep learning in de novo protein design

  • Protein perform a variety of functions

    • Signalling
    • Immunity
    • Structure
    • Catalysis
    • Transport
  • Other functions (adapted for use):

    • Therapeutics
    • Biosensors
    • Enzymes
    • Biomaterials
  • Proteins as domains:

    graph LR Sequence --> Structure --> Function

    As a protein enginner you reverse the graph in your approach.

  • Motif grafting: Take parts of proteins (motifs) and combine them at the sequence level.

  • Classic de novo protein design is limited by already known structures (the PDB database). The top-down design method

  • A better approach is the de novo protein design: It takes a Bottom-up functional protein design. It is much more computationally expensive and suffers from a very low success rate.

  • Added an MC Step to the protein iteration step for scoring random mutations.

  • “Oracle models”

Exercise Notes

  • “MaSIF receives a protein surface as an input and outputs a predicted score for the surface on the likelihood of being involved in a PPI.”

    — Assignment sheet

  • MaSIF can be used for iteratively for negative designing i.e. to remove features from the protein structure.

Day 4

DNA structure and replication

Marco Fumasoni
  • The famous Photo 51 which was an X-ray crystallographic image of the DNA double helix strand.
  • DNA replication proceeds only in one direction. It is because of the presence of phosphtes on the one side only, which is required for catalysis.
  • The replication movement creates a “replication fork”, which leads to a leading strand (continuous synthesis) and lagging strand (discontinuous sequence). The fragments on the lagging strand are vcalled Okazaki fragments.
  • Replisome;
    • Average human chromosome: 150 Mbp
    • Average Eukaryotic replisome speed: ~50 nt/s
    • It will take 400 hours for the replication to occur.
    • Hence there are 100s of origins for replication on a chromosome.
  • How to identify DNA replication origins? (which are parts ) :
    • Chop DNA, make some kind of loops with URA3. Only segments with Origins replicate and survive to grow into colonies.
  • Deep Sequencing: sequencing of DNA at different time points gives rise to a frequency distribution, where the modes give you the Origin points.
    • This method can also give you the speed of the fork , etc.
  • With Cloning we can find all potential Origin sites, however, with Deep Sequencing, you find the Origins that are being actually used by the cell.
  • End replication problem: Each time a cell divides, the chromosomes should be shortened. Finally the chromosomes should and be damaged.
  • The telomere: Its a end point sequence that protects linear DNA from degradation by replacing the shortened DNA bases.
  • Telomerase: the enzyme that does the replacement.
  • Some cancers can express Telomerase to bypass the cell division limit.
  • Telomers are repeated sequences. The T-loop hypothesis states that the end of the DNA strand loops back to itself to make a loop, so as to not signal as a broken DNA strand. The end-looping region is the Trlomer region.
  • Different organisms also use different mechanisms to deal with end poins of its genetic material.

Day 5

Centromeres: from epigenetic to genetic

Daniele Fachinetti
  • Cell division has been studied for a long time because of its importance in lifes’ processes.

  • Centrosomes and centromere are the two key factors for cell division.

  • The centromere is a protein/DNA structure which links chromosomes to spindle microtubules.

  • Centromeric architechtures are diverse:

    • Regional centromeres
    • Point centromeres
    • Holocentromers
  • Kineticore: Protein complex TODO

  • If there are problems with Kineticores, you get aneuploid. ~90% of solid human tumors and ~75% of hematopoietic cancers are aneuploid.

  • Key steps for a centromere:

    1. Centromere Position (decision on the location of the centromere, which is permanent)

    2. Centromere function

    3. Centromere integrity

  • The 171-bp alpha satellite is the fundamental unit of the centromere DNA.

  • ~3% of the total human genome is chromomeric DNA. CENP-B is the only centromeric DNA-seq specific binding protein.

  • The centromeres exist in two domains: CENP-A and CENP-B.

  • Bigger centromere regions can lead to tangling of microtubles and chromatin during division.

  • Histones:

    <a href="">Histone mechanism</a>

  • CENP-A and CENP-B arer particular histones that are specific to centromeres.

Where do Chromosomes go in interphase?

Marco Fumasoni

<a href="">Cell Cycles</a>

  • Interphase: Period between the cell divisions. During this phase, the genetic material (DNA) is replicated by the cell.

  • In mammals, you can find chromosomes that like to localize in a certain region of the nucleus.

How to build a mitotic chromosome?

Raquel Oliveria
  • mitosis means “threads”. The threads are the chromosomes.

  • Why cells need to build a mitotic chromosome?

    • spatial compaction
    • mechanical properties
    • resolution of sister-chromatids
    • switch off transcription
  • Interphase to mitosis compaction: 2X compaction.

  • Assembly of mitotic chromosomes is not fully known. There are several models:

    • Hierarchical folding
    • Scaffold/radial-loop
    • Chromatin network
    • Thin Layer stack
  • The localization of chromatin position explains how features far away in the genetic sequence regulate each other.

  • Positive supercoils are formed when the Replication Fork travels through the chromatin strands. To release these tension:

    • Rotation of the replication fork itself.
    • Nick the strand to release the tension and then re-attach.
    • Topoisomerase II is required for decatenation and sister chromatin resolution
  • Transcription is turned off during Mitosis. Dogmas:

    • Chromatin accessibility is limited.
    • Global transcription suppression.