
Jorge Carniero
  • Project multidimesntional things in lower dimensions.

  • GeneSim

  • Read: Can a biologist fix a radio? Or, what I learned while studting apoptosis by Yuri Lazebnik

  • Read: The evolution of molecular biology into systems biology: Westerhoff & Palsson

  • Read: D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, one of the first persons to write a book on mathematical biology. The title is “On Growth and Form”.

  • Lookup: Macy Conferences

  • Andrew Huxley and Alan Hodgkin Made a neuron equivalent circuit that fits beautifully fits the data they aquired.

  • Read: The chemical basis of Morphogenesis: Alan Turning

  • A theory of biological pattern formation: Gierer and Reinhardt (1972)

  • Read: Models of Biological Pattern Formation by Hans Meinhardt

Flux balance Analysis (FBA)

  • Exchange fluxes and Internal fluxes.


  • Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA): All flux control coefficients must sum to the unit. The flux control coefficient of an enzyme is a system property and not a characteristic of the enzyme.

Modelling of Multicellular Systems

  • Keller-Segal model for slime molds.
  • Excitable Media:
  • Hodgkin-Huxley model for neutron membranes is extremely complex. FitzHugh-Nagumo model is a simpler model.

Modelling insights into T cell development in the thymus

Camila Ramos
  • Set of methodologies to assess progenitor/progeny relationships.
    • Cre/Lox system: Cre is an enzyme. Insert somewhere…
    • Cre is under the control of a promoter that is biologically relevant for the case-study
    • Cre acticirt mediates the somatic recombination of a ubiquitously expressed reporter locus.
  • Cells that have a history of Cre expression are fluorescently labeled.
  • A population can be the direct progeny of another and only if the percentage of florescent cells in the progeny is at least as large as in the progenators.
  • $p > d$ is equivalent to $d = p -a,\space a > 0$.

Systems Biology of Molecular and Cellular Networks

Attila Csikász-Nagy
  • Cell cycle clock is coupled to the Circadian clock because of the common WEE1 expression, which is controlled by the circadian clock cycle.

  • In organolloids too, we see a circadian rhythm. The cells are not synchronous, but synchronous behaviour can be induced.

  • Feed-forward loops act as low pass filters.

    flowchart LR X --> Y X --> XY Y --> XY XY --> Z
  • Ageing correlates with protein aggregation in Yeast cells. During the cell division of yeast, the mother cells keep all the junk. And a few generations down, this waste builds up and the mother dies.

  • The cell cycle is also controlled by chaperones.

  • Food deprivation extends lifespans in general, if the organism is fully developed.

Predicting Protein Complexes

  • Cytocast: a startup: Simulated cells to shape the future of medicine.

Boolean networks approach to systems biology

Pedro Monteiro
  • State transition graphs (STG)
  • Attractors: correspond to (biologically relevant) asymptotic behaviours
    • Stable state: all gene levels are maintained. e.g. differentiated states, death,…
    • Complex attractors: long-lasting oscillatory behaviour. e.g. cells
  • Inherently Non-ergodic systems: will the initial state lead to the final state?
  • GinSim: You can also annotate arrows with papers.
  • Stste transition graphs are not practical for most applications for addressing the complexity of current problems.
  • Necessary condition for instability (or multi stability) is the ocorrance of a positive feedback loop in the regulatory network. Motifs for bistability:
flowchart TD A --"+"--> A 2A(A) -."—".->2B(B) 2B -."—".-> 2A 3A(A) -."+".->3B(B) 3B -."+".-> 3A
  • Trap spaces: stable patterns/hypercubes, such that hypercube h: $$ \forall\cross h, f(x) \in h $$

  • Strongly Connected Components (SSC graph): Grouping a set of nodes into a high level node, when they form an orbit.

  • In the absence of kinetic knowledge, many alternative trajectories are possible.

  • Temporal Logic: Formalism for describing sequences of transitions between states in a reactive system

    • CTL . Computational Tree Logic (branching-time)
    • LTR - Linear Temporal Logic (linear-time)
    • CTRL - Comutational Tree Regular Logic
  • Consortium for Logical Models and Tools

  • PhysiBoSS : Mechano-cell biology

Concluding Lecture