The role of selection in the genetics of populations

Isabel Gordo
  • Describe genetic structure of populations
  • Make theories about the evolutionary forces acting on populations.
  • Concerned mainly with understandiong vsriation within species
  • Typically one focuses on the evolution of one or two loci at a time.

Evolutionary Forces

  • Mutations (mistakes are unavoidable)
  • Natural selections (there is extensive variability in fitness within populations)
  • Migration (populations are structured)
  • Genetic Drift (every population is finite, and subject to stochastic events)

Note: Evolution involves the interplay with all the forces.

  • Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: first milestone in Population Genetics in sexual diploids.
  • Mutation rate is around $10^{-9}$ per nucleotide site per generation.

Effects of mutations

  1. Neutral (don’t affect fitness)
  2. Effectively neutral (-1 < $N_s$ < 1)
  3. Beneficial (causes adaptation)
  4. Deleterious (cause degeneration)

Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution

  • Kimura’s neutral model: Assumes that most variation observed within and across species can be explained by an equilibrium between variation generating mechanisms — mutation — and a variation erosion mechanism — genetic drift.

  • One such test is pN/pS: the ratio of observed non-synonymous to synonymous polymorphism, compared to that expected if one assumes uniform mutation rates across the gene.

    pN/pS should be 1 under neutral evolution.

  • Selection as an evolutionary force — constant fitness.

Frequency-dependent selection

  • Here fitness depend on the frequencies of genotypes in the population.
  • “A rare phenotype may be more popular in terms of sexual preference.” — negative frequency dependedent selection.
  • There is also positive frequency based selection, which is the more obvious case.

Probability of Fixation of Mutations under Selection

  • Not every good allele is fixed and not every bad one is lost!

  • Time of Fixation of a Benefitial Mutation: A mutation that confers a 1% benefit will take ~200 generations to reach a frequency close to fixation.

  • The decrease in populations , deleterious mutations can depart from their equilibrium frequency, be lost or go to fixation, all by stochastic drift.

  • Clonal interference: adaptations muttations arise faster tahn the time it takes for an individual mutation to get fixed.

  • When can populations avoid clonal interference? By using sexual recombination.

Using Wright-Fisher model to understand the mechanisms of evolution

Tiago Paixão
  1. Genetic Drift
  2. Mutation
  3. Selection

Experimental evolution applied to cell biology

Marco Fumasoni
  • Cell Perturbations:
    • Gene deletion
    • Paralog (Express something which doesn’t bwlong there)
    • Ortholog (Insert a foreign gene)
    • Ancestral allele
    • Partial loss of function (disturb a gene partially)
  • The ‘Evolutionary repair’ approach — as a methodology to study evolution.
    • DNA replication stress: specially visible in cancer cells, because they keep on dividing incessantly.

Ageing in Cells

  • Three hypothetical reasons:
    • Harmful mutations
    • Antagonistic Pleiotrophy

Community Ecology

  • Read: Modern Coexistance Theory (Chesson 2000)

  • Metabolism scales predictibly with size (mass)

  • Energy fluxes: intake and expenditure

  • Some concepts not discussed in the lecture:

    • Intraspecific trait variation
    • Priority effectss (species arrivaal)
    • Metacommunities (interacting communities)
  • Are all species equally important? Foundation Species.

  • Biodiversity is important because it gives you functional redundancy.

Ecology and Evolution in communities

  • Niche differences enables coexistence within different species.

  • Evolution in a stable environment maximizes carrying capacity $K$. [theory]

  • Density-dependence, resource competition, mortality affect life history traits (size, age at reproduction, etc)

  • Bacteria are the most common model organisms for studying ecology.

  • Malebra & Marshall 2019 Ecol [Danallelia micro-algae paper]

  • WTF is the Metabolics theory?

    • TODO

Evolution of microbial Genomics

Walden Kwong
  • What do we measure?

    • G + C content (the composition of these amino acids)

    • Gernome size

    • Structural arrangements

    • Coding & non-coding content

  • Genome Size: Why are some bigger (or smaller) than others?

    • More genes == bigger genomes

    • Linear relationship in most bacteria & archaea ~1 kB, but thus relationship falls apart in prokaryotes.

    • In bacterial genomes: Use it or lose it!

    • How do bacteria lose the genes?

      • Selective advantage? or

        • Lower the $dN/dS$, stronger is the purifying selection.
        • Conclusions from the study: Purifying selection (probably) doesn’t have a major impact on (bacterial) genome streamlining!
        • No relationship between genome size and growth rate or cell size!
      • Neutral Process ?

        • Neutral process — strong deletion bias, and is well established for baceria as of now.

          graph LR Deletion-Bias --> Small-Genome Positive-Selection --> Big-Genome Purifying-Selection --> ??
      • Genetic Drift results in fixation of alleles inspite of the fluctuating frequencies fo alleles.

  • Genome Erosion - reduction to the extreme, which often leads to coupling of the bacteria with a certain host.

    • Disadvantages:
      • Rapid evolution, extreme drift
      • Fixation of deleterious mutations due to drift
      • Irreversible loss of genes
    • Muller’s Ratchet: is genetic erosion a one way street to genetic oblivion?
      • Becuase in large and unrestricted populations — deleterious mutations are removed through recombination and these dewleterious mutations are less likely to get fixed by genetic drift.
      • In small, clonal populations — no way to recombine and more likely to fix and repeat cycle.
      • There are some mechanisms that are know, that help these bacterias avoid this trap:
        • Compensatory mutations
        • Just-enough recombination
        • Strong purifying selection
        • Symbiont replacement (doom for microbe, but not the host)
  • C - value paradox

  • Population size in eukaryotes: as in bacteria, effective population size (Ne) is postulated to strongly effect genome composition.

    • Eukaryotes have smaller populations than prokaryotes.
    • General trend upheld but variation depending on taxonomic group.
  • Whole Gene Duplication

  • Horizontal Gene transfer: What. is it? How common?

    • Upto 30% of thr genome of a bacteria may be acquired by HGT.
    • Pan genome of HGT: a prokaryotic species have no single defined gene set.
  • Euk. genomes have continued to evolve and gain complexity via endosymbiosis.

  • Constructive Neutral Evolution: complex functions can evolve with neutral changes to the network.


  • Horizontal gene transfer is common is prokaryotes (30% of genome can be acquired).