Safe and accurate parsing of time literals (values + units) is both common and crucial requirement. While C++ has a mechanism through STL chrono, such a functionality is absent in python (as per my information).

Library: GitHub Gist.

What is a time-literal?

Just to be clear, time literal here means anything of this form : 5ns, 4min, 15.5ms. It is a numeric value (float) followed by alphabetic constants that indicate special treatment of the alpha-numeric string constant. It is similar to the use of b while declaring bytes or using x while defining a hexadecimal integer:

binary = 0b10000
hexadecimal = 0x12f 

Since python does not natively support time-literals, it can be implemented by using python strings. Here is my attempt to do the same, and while we are at it, implement some additional features as well.

Here is a rundown of the library:

  1. A value_pair is an entity of the following form: [float, TmLiteral]. The container should be a list. The first is the absolute numeric value and the second quantity is the units, which is represented by the TmLiteral object. value_pair is fundamental to this library, since strings are parsed into value pairs. All inter-conversions also apply to value pairs. For performing such operations, the literal must first be converted into a value_pair by using the TmParser object. To verify if the given entity is a valid value-pair:

    from tmliteral import *
    IsValuePair([4.2, FindTmL("seconds")]) #-> returns True
    IsValuePair([4.2, "seconds"]) #-> returns False
  2. Print all available pre-defined literals:

    import tmliteral.time_table
    for tml in tmliteral.time_table:
        print(tml.abbr, ' : ', tml)


    xxx  :  invalid time value
    s  :  second
    Ys  :  yottasecond
    Zs  :  zettasecond
    Es  :  exasecond
    Ps  :  petasecond
    Ts  :  terasecond
    Gs  :  gigasecond
    Ms  :  megasecond
    ks  :  kilosecond
    hs  :  hectosecond
    das  :  decasecond
    ds  :  decisecond
    cs  :  centisecond
    ms  :  millisecond
    us  :  microsecond
    ns  :  nanosecond
    ps  :  picosecond
    fs  :  femtosecond
    as  :  attosecond
    zs  :  zeptosecond
    ys  :  yoctosecond
    min  :  minute
    h  :  hour
    d  :  day
    week  :  week
    year  :  calender year
    leapyear  :  calender leap year
    gregyear  :  gregorian calendar year
    julianyear  :  julian astronomical year

  1. Create a user defined literal or find a pre-defined literal:

    # Simulation unit which is equivalent to microseconds.
    sim_time = TmL("sim", -6, simulation unit)  # TmL(abbr, exp, name, mul_factor=1.0)
    # Get a pre-defined time unit
    ms = FindTmL("ms")
    also_ms = FindTmL("millisecond")

  1. Parsing time literals from strings can be done by creating a parser object:

    parser = TmParser()
    tm1 =  parser.parse("4.2fs") # Out→ [4.2, < TmLiteral : femtosecond >]
    tm2 = parser["4.2fs"]        # Same
    tm_sim = parser["5 sim"]     # Out→ [5.0, < TmLiteral : simulation time >]

  1. Conversions between units (casting) can be handled by creating a cast object:

    ns_cast = TmCast.Find("ns")  # Make a nano-second cast
    time = parser["5 ms"]
    ns_time = ns_cast.cast(time) # Returns 5000
    ns_time2 = ns_cast[tm2]      # Equivalent to `cast` member function.

  1. Using the TmAutoScale object, appropriate units can be selected automatically. The option tmparser in the initializer can be used to pass a custom TmParser object. The auto-scale object inherits the literal order of the parser object in the “default” mode. If this option is not specified, the auto-scaler constructs a new generic TmParser object.

    This module is extremely useful with timing of processes and converts arbitrary time values in seconds (or nanoseconds) to more “human readable” units. The object can be constructed in a variety of mode:

    1. default” : Does not modify the preference of literals which is inherited from a parser object.
    2. prefer_clock_units" : Prefers clock units over SI. clock units are [“second”, “minute”, “hour”, “day”, “week”, “calender year”]
    3. prefer_SI_units” : Prefers SI units over clock units.
    4. clock” : Only uses clock units
    5. SI” : Only uses SI units
    6. extended_process_timing” : Uses [“nanoseconds”, “microseconds”, “milliseconds”] + clock units. This is useful for timing of processes which requires “human-comprehensible units” on a power scale.
    tauto = TmAutoScale(mode="prefer_clock_units")
    tauto.scale(parser["4e5 picoseconds"], set_scale=100) #->[399.99999999999994, < TmLiteral : nanosecond >]
    tauto2 = TmAutoScale(mode="prefer_clock_units")
    tauto2["5e7 seconds"] #-> [1.5854895991882294, < TmLiteral : calender year >]
    tauto2["5e4 seconds"] #->[0.5787037037037037, < TmLiteral : day >]
  2. To print a value_pair properly the function TmFormat can be used:

    time1 = parser["5 ms"]
    time2 = parser["1 ns"]
    print(TmFormat(time1, format="full")) #-> 5.0 milliseconds
    print(TmFormat(time1, format="abbr")) #-> 5.0 ms
    print(TmFormat(time2, format="full")) #-> 1.0 nanosecond
    print(TmFormat(time2, format="abbr")) #-> 1.0 ns
  3. Now my favorite feature: the Expression Parser can perform arithmetic operations on time values that have any arbitrary units. Operations that are currently supported : {+, - , *, /, %}.

    exp = TmExpParser()
    print(exp.parse("10ms + 5ns + 10ms"))  #-> [0.020000005, < TmLiteral : second >]

I did not have a use-case in mind for this feature. But I am sure that somebody else can. Just did this for fun.

I hope you find this library useful! Below is a view of the library: