Transcription Networks - Basic Concepts

Transcription Networks - Basic Concepts The cell continuously monitors its environment and calculates the amount of each protein that is needed. The rate of production is controlled by transcription networks. To represent environmental states, cells use special proteins called transcription factors as symbols. Transcription factors are molecules that can rapidly switch between active and inactive molecular states, with rates determined by environmental factors. Transcription factors bind to DNA and regulate read-rate of genes....

<span title='2022-07-08 22:08:07 +0530 +0530'>July 8, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;6 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;1207 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Yatharth Bhasin


Welcome to my website! Here, I post about stuff I like and the things I do. I { read, code, think, analyse, and solve } in all permutations. This website cum blog is an attempt to include writing in this set. Below is a short overview of the website. projects: where I post about my scientific and coding projects. publications: lists all the articles I have written and published somewhere. blog: where I will post articles and notes on various themes....

<span title='2022-06-29 16:37:38 +0530 +0530'>June 29, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;213 words&nbsp;·&nbsp;Yatharth Bhasin