Welcome to my website! Here, I post about stuff I like and the things I do. I { read, code, think, analyse, and solve } in all permutations. This website cum blog is an attempt to include writing in this set. Below is a short overview of the website.

  • projects: where I post about my scientific and coding projects.
  • publications: lists all the articles I have written and published somewhere.
  • blog: where I will post articles and notes on various themes.
  • gallery: has some cool pictures of me and my work.
  • about me: an overview of my interests & qualifications.
  • collaborate: has a list of projects for which collaborators are required.

This website is still being actively developed and is broken at a few places.

Please let me know what you think about this website and how I can improve it. You can connect through the various social media links on the home page.

For credits and source code, you can visit here.

Meanwhile the world in which we exist has other aims. But it will pass away, burned up in the fire of its own hot passions, and from its ashes will spring a new and younger world, full of fresh hope, with the light of morning in its eyes.

  • Bertrand Russell